How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost? 2023 Everything You Need to Know

While the hair on the head shouldn’t grow fast enough, most women in the USA still fight the stubble on their legs, under their armpits, and in their genital area with all available means. In addition to the waxing method (in the beauty salon or at home), the traditional razor and the epilator, another technique that promises permanent hair removal have become increasingly popular in recent years. With special laser devices, unwanted hairs can be treated in the salon and now also at home in such a way that they no longer grow back. Although laser hair removal is not cheap, it is worth the investment, mainly if you include the time-saving. Nevertheless, you should inform yourself thoroughly beforehand, especially because some preparations are necessary before the first treatment.

How does the laser work?

A basic distinction is made between alexandrite laser and IPL therapy. The former is mainly used in professional devices and emits light of a special wavelength, with the impulses penetrating the top layer of skin and being transported to the hair root with the help of colored pigments (melanin). This destroys it and prevents it from producing new hair.IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) works the same way, only that short pulses of light are emitted from different wavelengths, which generates heat and thus desolates the root and prevents it from producing new hair. For this reason, the skin must be protected with a cooling gel during the session. It should be remembered that both methods only work with heavily pigmented, i.e. dark hair, even if many providers advertise otherwise. This means that gentle fuzz on the face or very light hair on the legs are immune to light therapy.

How much does laser hair removal cost and how many sessions does it take?

Which method you choose depends on how much you want to invest in smooth, hair-free skin and how many areas are to be depilated. For example, you can share home devices with a few friends (be sure to disinfect the attachments between uses!) and use them over and over again. Here you can get an overview of the currently best-rated devices. Those who prefer to be treated usually see results faster because the professional devices in beauty salons have more power, but you also have to be prepared for higher costs. While a depilatory laser costs between 100 and 650 Dollars in retail, the treatment in the salon requires between 6-10 sessions with a break of around four to six weeks in between, since only around 30 percent of the hair is in the growth phase at the same time and is caught by the laser can become. Depending on the size of the area to be treated and the salon, a professional laser session costs between 30 (armpits) and 120 euros (lower legs).

What do I have to consider before and after the laser treatment?

Are you the proud owner of a home tool? Please follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully! Mishandling lasers can cause skin damage and even burns. If you have made an appointment in the salon you trust, you should find out more about the studio in advance, read reviews and look at the presence on social media. Make sure the salon is clean, the staff is trained, the equipment is ISO-certified, and insist on consultation before the first laser treatment. The area to be treated should be freshly shaved, otherwise, it can become painful! Furthermore, sunbathing should be avoided for four weeks before and after the laser treatment and 

UV protection should be worn – especially in summer! As the market evolves, experts predict that prices for both home and salon treatments will fall in the coming months as the supply continues to expand. Patients can continue to shave or simply let their hair sprout and look forward to inexpensive treatments in the future. Although this service is available in most cosmetic dermatologist offices, many at-home devices offer similar benefits at a fraction of the cost of an in-office package. If you’re wondering how these handheld devices work – and more importantly, if they’re right for your skin type – then you’ve come to the right place. “Laser hair removal is an excellent way to reduce unwanted hair, but many things go into deciding which laser is best for you,” Morgan Rabach, MD, a dermatologist and co-founder of LM Medical, told Refinery29.

So if you spend a lot of time at home and are practicing social distancing, now is a good time like any other to start your laser home journey. Below is everything you need to know before trying to zap from the comfort of your bedroom.

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