How to protect your skin in 2023

Protect the skin!

In general, human skin is transparent, soft, delicate, and beautiful, the skin without freckles, scars, cuts, and blemishes is considered transparent, protects your skin, protects it from blemishes, and Protection against spoilage.

The reality of your skin is a transparent mirror that reflects the image of a human being because that part of the body is covered.

It happens while Punjab is open. Skin is the language and skin is relative to others. The change will take effect soon. Most people have dark brown spots in the middle and some people are full of very thick pimples.

Their complexion is fair but the pimples and pimples destroy the whole beauty.

Of course, the color is blue If there is no maha in the nation, then it is counted in Urdu. Many people find that they do a great injustice to their skin. Use the wrong type of lotion. You all know that everything in the body except the mind.

It is present in about 120 square feet of cells in a young person and weighs about 7 pounds. If you look, there are millions of structures on top of this shell, including nerves, blood vessels, fat glands, salivary glands, and hall-like structures, all of which are provided by nature to protect the body from external influences. Due to the same protective bonds that are necessary for keeping, they do not sterilize. They sense the body’s cold and heat and the brain’s messages like electrical currents and then transmit them to other organs, which are filled with sensations of pain, cold, and heat, as well as protection from the sun’s rays. They also do.
You may want to know why pimples appear on the face and how to get rid of them. What are the causes of pimples? Acne and pimples usually start to appear around the time puberty begins, which is between the ages of 14 and 25 in most people.

Acne occurs. At this age, the release of hormones also increases to allow the growth of the organs, due to which the hair-like structures on the skin accelerate their work. The secretions from the sebaceous glands and sweat glands collect locally in the pores and clog them.

They form into pimples and acne. You must have seen many people with huge pimples on their faces especially on the forehead and nose.

Sometimes there is also a mixture of blood and pus. It is usually more common in people with very oily skin or high blood pressure on the face. Acne and pimples can also occur in people who are suffering from maternal constipation or whose liver heat is high in blood or whose periods are irregular. Thick pimples come out, then there are pits all over the face and the appearance starts to look ugly.
Now the question arises as to what measures should be taken to cure acne and prevent further damage to the face.
The first rule is that cleanliness is very important, that is, you should wash your mouth three times a day because usually, such people have oily skin. Find out the cause of this disease and treat it. It should always be remembered that even if your diet is balanced, you will not have acne spots on your face. But if you eat eggs, chicken, fish, kebabs, kofta, and many other types of food every day, then the beauty of the skin will not be maintained because all these foods increase the acidity in the stomach and the heat in the liver increases.
If you have dry skin, eat nutritious foods such as green vegetables like turnips, spinach, beets, guavas, pistachios and milk, yogurt, butter, and raw vegetables use.

Use of salad

Many people have jaundice and fullness on the face, which is a sign of anemia, so use vegetables and fruits that are rich in iron and also contain vitamins. Dates, figs, spinach, egg yolks, kidney beans, apples, all these foods satisfy the lack of blood in the body and bring freshness to the face. Don’t let it happen.
Those who have a lot of pimples on their face should take 5 grams of poppy seeds, 5 grams of black pepper, and 5 grams of neem leaves from the market and grind them all finely and make a paste. Apply it on the skin and soak 50 grams of graze in the food at night and strain it continuously in the morning and mix it with Nilufer syrup and use it. InshAllah, it will be available very soon. It can be used by people with all types of skin.

To get rid of acne and blemishes, you can prepare batons by yourself and use gram peels, nutmeg, and melon juice. Grind them all by weight and mix them with rose water and apply them, then all the marks and maha will disappear. But it should also be remembered that along with all these measures, you have to do vigorous exercise, you should take a walk in the fresh air in the morning. Use more vegetables, and stop using tea, coffee, and other heavy and hot items. You have often seen women or men too, whose facial pores open, this is because of the internal glands of the skin.

The secretion of moisture is high which keeps the outer surface smooth all the time. On top of that, the consumption of poor foods, restlessness, excessive use of medicines without the doctor’s advice, and unnecessary use of poor cosmetics. All these things together make the face ugly. Such people should That they immediately pay attention to such a face. Women with oily skin should splash their face three to four times a day with warm water and splash two or three cold water on their face, it refreshes their face. Cleanse the face in the morning and evening. Apply a lantern mask once a week. You can prepare this mask yourself at home. Mix honey in lemon and apply it, it will reduce the oiliness of the face, after that, take one egg white, add a little lemon juice, 1/4 teaspoon of borax powder, and 1/4 of flour, and mix them all on the face. But apply the mask, it will make your face fresh and free from pimples. You have often seen such women whose skin is rough and ugly, they have no natural beauty at all, and it seems as if the facial key has not been tightened for a long time. This type of skin usually belongs to people who have less secretion of oil glands and more sun exposure on the face.

Stains are formed. Such women should massage almond oil on the face with light hands once a day. Do not use hot water on the face at all. Always use cleansers that contain oil. Facial once a week.

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