Skin Protection in Winter | Easy Tips in 2023

Skin protection in winter. Skincare is an important and delicate issue. Healthy skin should look taut, elastic, and glowing. To make the skin healthy, it is necessary to carefully cleanse the skin so that the skin is all on the outside. Happily accepted the changes which were the change of weather, degree
Fluctuations in temperature occur with aging.
Daily cleansing is very important for healthy skin. There are five things to do that daily cleaning is as important as eating, sweat, sebum, dirt on the face, and dead skin cells (which appear in the form of nails). There used to be make-up, however, light it may be.

Our face is not just about the basic bones but also consists of fine flesh, various muscles, and fluids that keep our skin fresh and healthy. When these secretions start to decrease, wrinkles start appearing on the face.

Is it a natural process that happens with age?

Yes, we cannot stop it, but with proper care, it can be slowed down. A little protection can save you from wrinkles and The only safety is daily cleansing of the face.
As we age, the skin changes. In adolescence, ie up to the age of 19, all types of skin are found with all types of problems. Remains dry, smooth, or normal for 20 to 30 years Skin is not smooth but dry or normal in people over 40 and 50 years 60 years or later it is completely dry. From the age of 20, the protection of the skin around the eyes should start to be the worst because it is the most delicate and sensitive skin on the face, which is the first to be affected by dryness and wrinkles, followed by the neck and The lower part of the chin needs protection. Since there are very few sebaceous glands in this area, the skin in this area needs special moisture.
No matter what age you are, you should take some measures to protect your skin if you stay at home, especially in the winter due to sitting in front of heaters and different room temperatures. becomes dry and flaky, in which case you should focus on rehydrating the skin.

There are three types of skin: dry skin, normal skin, and oily skin

If it is normal then you are lucky that you don’t have to take care of your skin as much as women with dry skin and oily skin have to do, but even if you have coconut skin, don’t neglect to protect it. Should. Many women apply hydrogen and ammonia to their skin. If mixed, no harm is done to the skin. Women with oily skin should wash their faces with soap and water. If you use cold water while washing your face, it will be more beneficial. Do not apply any kind of cream on oily skin. After washing your face during the day, apply Ster Nugget. It is a light moisturizer, if you apply it at night while sleeping, it will work well as a night cream. Looks very large and obvious but if you are protecting your skin, do it better. So the face can be free from pimples and freckles. Is. Cleansing of the skin can also be done well with different kametics, but since kamelux falls under the category of external sources, so you should try using internal cosmetics as well. Make sure that your diet contains more milk, vegetables, fresh fruits, salads, etc. Reduce meat consumption. I especially like big meat. Do not drink tea and coffee several times a day.

Avoid coke etc. Make lassi and shaljian and drink it.

Do not allow constipation at all. It is better to use green leafy salad and figs to cure constipation and also drink at least one liter of water a day. Mix a few drops of lemon juice in egg white and apply on the face twice a week to improve smooth skin. When this solution dries well, wash off this face mask with cold water. Eat more carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes in addition to having more fiber-rich foods in your diet or use flour that has more bran content. Such an impression should be made on your face. Which is bright during the day and glowing at night. To increase the radiance of the face, cover the Leah and take hot steam, in this way, the pores of the face will open. After ten minutes, wash your face with cold water
Mix lemon juice with cotton on the nails and face in a few days It will be clear.

If your face is oily, lemon juice in egg white

Lagana is very useful and best for oily skin. Mixing almond oil with honey and applying it on the face refreshes dry and dull skin. Apply this solution on the face and wash the face after 20 minutes. As soon as winter starts, most of us women are worried about their skin, what will happen now? Come winter and the skin starts cracking, the skin on the hands and feet becomes dry and rough. Sometimes it ruptures so much that bleeding starts. The face becomes so damaged that it becomes impossible to go to an event with makeup on.

In such a case, what to do and what not to do becomes a question mark. While using different creams, there is fear that vomiting may occur. Now what should be done in such a situation? Do you feel the need? There are methods that will improve the skin with regular use and it is important that you continue using them throughout the winter. It may not be that the skin here is smooth and smooth, and the use is abandoned and there is any benefit
No. After a few days, the skin will break again.

Dry and cold winds blow in winter, due to which the skin becomes dry and cracked. Let us tell you ten tried and tested home remedies that will make it better and better.

Glycerin is available in the general market. Take a small bottle of glycerin. Mix lemon and a spoonful of rose water well, then wash your face, neck, hands, and feet every night while sleeping. By applying it, the skin does not crack and the color also comes out. If the skin is very cracked, mix petroleum jelly, one bottle of glycerin, and one spoon of rose water after two meals and apply it to the cracked skin for enough relief.
will come Heels often crack and bleed. For this, the laundry soap that we usually use is dissolved, take soft soap in a vessel, add glycerine and rose water to it, and beat it well so that it becomes a cream. Now at night when you were sleeping, wash your feet thoroughly and then apply this cream on your heels.

Fill it so much that this cream fills all the cracked areas. Now wear socks and go to sleep. Now in the morning, wash your feet with warm water. After a few days of regular use, the heels will be cured. Vaseline is available in the common market, take it in a bottle and mix it well with a spoonful of pure mustard oil. Now apply it every night at bedtime and in the morning wash your face well and apply a cold cream. Do not apply this cream during the day because the color will fade from the sun or the heat of the stove. Fresh milk improves color and keeps the skin good. If it becomes thick, take it out in a clean and dry vessel. Now add 1/4 lemon juice and 1/4 teaspoon glycerin and beat it. When it all dissolves and turns into a cream, apply it on your face, neck, hands, and feet, it will brighten the skin and remove the shine. It is not a matter of making this cream at the same time, making fresh cream every time. Lips are often chapped or rough, so you should apply petroleum jelly on your lips every day and night. Two or three days? Chapped lips will heal with regular use.

Take one spoon of petroleum jelly and mix it with 1/2 spoon of olive oil, like this, it will become a thin cream. Now massage well every night and sleep. Wash your face with warm water in the morning. The complexion will be clear and the skin will be smooth. If the skin has shrunk due to cold, two spoons of honey, one spoon of rose water, and a bottle. Mix the glycerin well. Now apply it every night at bedtime and wash it off with warm water in the morning, the skin will become shiny.

To keep the skin moisturized, first of all, you should choose a moisturizer according to your skin type. Moisturizer is very important for dry and combination skin while using moisturizer is not necessary for oily skin. If your skin is very dry, you should use a moisturizer that is fast acting. Also, you must apply night cream before going to bed at night. Remember that moisturizer is what your skin needs. It does not count as makeup or luxuries. Choosing a moisturizer according to your skin type is definitely a time-consuming task, but if you pay attention to your face for a few days, you will get an idea of your skin type and what kind of skin it is. Moisturize can be rumpled. For example, if you notice that the skin on your face looks dry on the cheeks, but the nose is slightly oily. This part of the nose and chin is called the T-zone, so you should only apply moisturizer on your dry cheeks and leave the T-zone alone. Instead, apply a little astringent to the area to remove excess sebum from the nose and chin, but if you find that there is no sebum on your nose and chin, then you should go for a milder type. Apply the moisturizer on the face.

Most people believe that moisturizer should be applied in the morning and evening. While this idea is correct, it’s more likely that you should apply your moisturizer right after you’ve finished work. Wash your hands and face thoroughly before applying moisturizer.

put If you don’t want to apply astringent, there is no harm in applying lukewarm water on your face and neck. Now apply a small amount of moisturizer on your fingertips and gently apply the moisturizer on your face and neck. Now massage the face and neck very carefully and gently. If you are applying moisturizer in the morning, then after this process, you can complete the makeup by applying foundation on your face and if you are applying it at night, then you do not need makeup but make sure that you have taken care of your skin. Safety measures have been taken.

Makeup essentials

There are many ingredients used in makeup. But here we are mentioning only those things which are of primary importance and must
are used.

Foundation cream

Foundation cream is a basic need of makeup but before buying this cream keep in mind whether your skin is dry or oily or not, if you have dry skin then use a smooth and liquid foundation. Liquid powder or Vanishing Cream is suitable for oily skin. Apply a layer of dry powder on the face before applying them. This will make the face dry and The shine produced by the greasing will be reduced.
Cleanse the skin thoroughly before applying foundation cream. Applying foundation on dull skin prevents the makeup from staying on the face and spreads immediately.


Nowadays blush is used instead of gauze, but the use of gauze is not over yet. Gaza not only protects the skin but also enhances its beauty. After freezing the gauze layer, Khwa soaked it in liquid lotion. Use a light blush on a blush or cream that sweeps down from the top of the cheekbones. Never re-apply the cream or use it near the nose. Gauze facial structure
Should be trusted.


Cleanse Raw is a solution that is also used to remove makeup. And it is used to remove dust particles from the face that are hidden in the skin of the face and are not visible to the naked eye. These dust particles hidden in the pores can be easily removed by cleansing.


It is a liquid that reaches the inner layer of the skin and draws out the dirt. Minimizes pores and rids the face of excess oil. Sterbegant is applied after cleansing and can be used even then. It is when the unpleasant sensation of itching starts to be felt on the face.

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